Notifications are one of the most powerful feature of PM2 Plus, always getting you aware about critical events.
By default, you receive notifications only by email and for critical events such as:
- downtime
- deployment
- issues
- restart
This section will help you to customize the notification systems to setup other channels and understand what you can receive as notifications.
Issues notifications
By default, PM2 Plus sends three different kind of notification. Issues are simply errors that your application have, there two type:
- runtime errors: they made your application crash, pm2 automatically catch them and restart your application.
- custom errors: with
you can send custom error that you need to track in your application
Here is an example on how you can report custom errors:
const io = require('@pm2/io')
io.notifyError(new Error('This is an error'), {
// you can some http context that will be reported in the UI
http: {
url: req.url
// or anything that you can like an user id
custom: {
The first time we receive an error, we send you notifications by email.
You can also configure to receive a slack message by going to Settings > Alerts > 3rd Party Integration
We will also send you notificatios in case of “bad behavior”, which is when the same error happens more than 5 times in 60 seconds. Note that we will avoid sending a notification for each “bad behavior” that we detect.
You can choose to not receive notifications for errors by going to Settings > Alerts > Exceptions
For both following integration, you need to use at least @pm2/io
version 3.0.0
Report errors with Express
If you want you can configure your express middleware to automatically send you an error with the error middleware of express:
const io = require('@pm2/io')
const express = require('express')
const app = express()
// add the routes that you want
app.use('/toto', () => {
throw new Error('ajdoijerr')
// always add the middleware as the last one
Report errors with Koa
We also expose a custom koa middleware to report error with a specific koa middleware:
const io = require('@pm2/io')
const Koa = require('koa')
const app = new Koa()
// the order isn't important with koa
// add the routes that you want
app.use(async ctx => {
ctx.throw(new Error('toto'))
Offline notifications
NOTE: The offline notification only works with PM2 version above 3.2.2
When one of your servers isn’t sending data to our servers for more than 2 minutes (can be configured), we tag him as “offline”.
You can choose to receive a notifications when it happens by going to Settings > Alerts > Server offline
You can configure the threshold of how much time it need to be disconnected to send a notifications by going to Settings > General > Your server is considered offline after
If your applications are in auto scaling environment, we advise to turn of the offline notifications and turn on “Auto delete a server when going offline” in Settings > General
so it disappear from the dashboard automatically.
Restart notifications
Sometimes you may want to be alerted when PM2 restart your application, we added a way for you to be alerted in this case, enable it in Settings > Alerts > Automatic / Manual Restart
Automatic restart are the ones that are made by PM2 itself, because your app crashed for example.
Manual restart are the ones that are done via the CLI using pm2 restart myapp
Deployment notifications
If you use git with your application, we also allow you to receive an alert when the application is updated.
You can turn it off or configure it by going to Settings > Alerts > Deployment
Notification channels
By default, notifications are only sent by email but they can be enabled with slack or via a webhook.
Slack notifications
The Slack integration allows you to receive exceptions and event notifications straight into a selected Slack channel.
First you need to get the Slack URL and to setup an incoming Webhook. More details on how to set this up can be found here.
Then go to the notification docs Settings > Alerts
and insert the webhook into the field. Enable and click on update.
Check if you successfully received a notification into your slack channel confirming that it has been configured.
You can also set a webhook that will make POST HTTP request to a given URL when you receive a notifications.
The format of the data is a json like the following:
"message":"Bad argument",
"stack":"TypeError: Bad argument\n at TypeError (native)\n at ChildProcess.spawn (internal/child_process.js:274:26)\n at exports.spawn (child_process.js:362:9)\n at Object.exports.execFile (child_process.js:151:15)\n at exports.exec (child_process.js:111:18)\n at /home/node/pm2-elasticsearch/lib/actions.js:25:5\n at process.<anonymous> (/home/node/pm2-elasticsearch/node_modules/pmx/lib/actions.js:64:14)\n at emitTwo (events.js:92:20)\n at process.emit (events.js:172:7)\n at handleMessage (internal/child_process.js:695:10)"
Use case example: You can now setup an express server that can receive webhooks, automatically send SMS or use any integration you want.